2010/9/11 David Groom <revi...@pacific-rim.net>:
> What's the preferred way of tagging a mast like this
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rowridge_from_entrance_gate_200704270010.jpg
> From memory I had thought it was man_made=mast, but I cant find any mention
> of that on the wiki.
> I see on the wiki there is a" man_made=tower" + "tower:type=communication"
> combination, but I'm not sure the picture above is a  "tower".
> To my mind a "tower" is something free standing, whilst a mast is a much
> thinner structure supported by  wires

I completely agree, still according to recent talk it might be a
possibility to tag man_made=tower, tower=mast,
(I am not really sure if this is nice: tagging as a tower, which it
technically isn't, and then specify in the tower-subtag, which kind of
"non-tower" it really is. Though we (? some?) do this with tunnels as
well (I don't actually, I prefer covered)).

Another approach would be to tag man_made=antenna (or mast) with maybe
other subtags.


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