> 2010/8/23 Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>:
>> Hell no. That would be a parking lane, not suitable for cycling.
>> Picture a typical bike lane; now remove all signage and markings
>> calling it a bike lane. Here's an example:
>> http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=28.332798,-81.491435&spn=0.001929,0.00515&t=k&z=19&layer=c&cbll=28.332797,-81.491264&panoid=s34bEpDWqe-ThdTF0X38uQ&cbp=12,103.59,,0,2.84

btw.: this is not what we call "lane" in OSM, it is a
"(cycleway?)=track". I would actually consider to map it separately
(with its own way) and not just attached with tags on the street,
because it is physically divided from the road (basically the same
rules apply as for dual carriageways).


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