2010/8/23 Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>:
> Hell no. That would be a parking lane, not suitable for cycling.
> Picture a typical bike lane; now remove all signage and markings
> calling it a bike lane. Here's an example:
> http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=28.332798,-81.491435&spn=0.001929,0.00515&t=k&z=19&layer=c&cbll=28.332797,-81.491264&panoid=s34bEpDWqe-ThdTF0X38uQ&cbp=12,103.59,,0,2.84

what does actually make you believe it is intended for bicycles if
there is no signs and no road markings? Couldn't it just as well be
for horses, skateboards, pedestrians, snow mobiles, motorbikes, dogs
or whatever?


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