2010/6/28 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> On 28 June 2010 18:56, Gianfranco Gliozzo <gianfrancoglio...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> abandon point 2 and decide a standard either british or american english or
>> a OSM lingo, but I do not like this.
> The problem is people are assuming key/values are supposed to be in
> any language, when they're actually for computers to do something
> useful with.
> I'm kidding, but we could be using numbers and then defining what
> those numbers mean in various language files to fix this problem.

+1. In a sense, Gianfranco is right: I should be able to edit OSM in
my language. Of course, this can't happen if I set the tags by hand,
but there should be higher-level editors that support localization. I
myself have added a few fields where "calcio" is played; I used JOSM
to do that, and the menu just had a "Campo da calcio" element in it.
en_US users of JOSM should see "soccer field", and en_UK ones should
see "football field". Easy, if tools were more widely used.


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