On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 2:25 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> -1, AFAIK we use soccer in Germany, Italy and probably elsewhere,
> while football refers to american football (looking at the icons,
> preset icons, etc.).
- -1

AFAIK we tag what people see and use daily. As Richard F. said, when you see
a duck, you tag a "duck". If someone searches a pitch for "football", I will
not tell him to search a pitch for "soccer" because soccer is used in US and
Canada but nowhere else. And as pavithran showed, even the official name is
internationaly using the english original version.
If you need a script to change "soccer" to "football" in your country,
contact me.
If you have a problem with osmarender, it's completely open and anybody can
change it and fix the rules he wants.

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