The only problem is that, in this case, it's not a normal-looking
  "sliproad/ramp", but a surface street that would normally be tagged
  highway=residential or unclassified. Here are a few examples:,-74.398974&geocode=FaQCagIdiLKQ-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=17&sll=40.500282,-74.404639&sspn=0.006837,0.016512&ll=40.49954,-74.408652&spn=0.003084,0.016512&t=k&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.499542,-74.408651&panoid=zGrFrRaWxL7GgmJ7wpdC2A&cbp=11,281.5,,0,1.67,-74.300086&sspn=0.00683,0.016512&ll=40.564783,-74.300119&spn=0.003081,0.016512&t=k&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.564782,-74.300114&panoid=KsttLEFSx4oR5oRhPvOZwQ&cbp=11,35,,0,3.65

  I've been tagging them as trunk_link, but someone else disagrees,
  saying *_link is only for normal-looking ramps.

I would say it's marginal.  The question is then whether the road is
mostly a link or mostly a regular street in terms of how it is used.
Looking at the image, I'd say that there are a number of very-much-links
in that intersection, and I'd go with link for the one you highlighted.
Certainly the NW end is a link, even if the SE is marginal.

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