On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
>> (Oh, I see what it is, using Google Street View, so I won't tell lest we
>> taint the entire database or something.)
> I also see a sign at one of the entrances to the path.  With a picture of
> something.  Am I allowed to tell you what it's a picture of?

Yes, but I wouldn't be able to update the path based on that information :)

I'm guessing it's a shared use bicycle/pedestrian sign - they're
common in the area. Confusingly, also "in the area", these kinds of
paths are referred to in everyday language as "bikeways", and hence
most mappers *in the area* have been using highway=cycleway +

But without seeing that sign, I think I'll probably go with
highway=cycleway + designation=unknown + source:highway=nearmap.

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