Facebook could do it back then, but I'm not sure it still supports it.

I don't think you can do this on YouTube.

On Sat, 8 Jul 2023 at 13:37, Tom Slater <t...@callandresponse.org.uk> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have a question about 3DOF audio in a 360 video...
> I'm familiar with the workflow of creating 1st order ambisonic mix, muxing
> with 360 video and hosting on youtube.
> I was wondering if anyone knew of a process that would allow me to control
> attenuation of audio as the viewer scrolls around the 360 video?
> For example, let's say I would like to place some audio at 0 degrees and 90
> degrees. And by the time the user has rotated from 0 to 90 they no longer
> hear what was placed at 0 and only hear the audio at 90.
> I know I could do that in a game engine, but could that be exported as a
> 360 video format that maintains the 3DOF interaction and youtube could
> host?
> All the best,
> Tom
> --
> *Tom Slater, Creative Director Call & Response Studios Ltd*
> Somerset House
> The Strand
> London WC2R 1LA
> Tel: 0203 751 0583
>        07545484055
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*Axel Drioli*
*SpatialAudioLabs.com <http://spatialaudiolabs.com/>*

*Creating sonic immersive experiences for XR and installations.*

*SoundingWild.com <http://soundingwild.com/> for Wildlife and Conservation
immersive experiences.*

*Tel-Facetime: +44 7460 223640*
*E-mail: a...@spatialaudiolabs.com <a...@spatialaudiolabs.com>*

*'Life On The Edge', a Sounding Wild
<http://www.soundingwild.com/> x Spatial Audio Labs production for Wildlife
Alliance <https://www.wildlifealliance.org/> is part of EarthXR 2020
<https://earthx.org/expo/main-attractions/earthxr/> official selection and
Finalist at SXSW2020 Virtual Noise Showcase*
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