Cristof, I actually agree with you, but:
The original question was if Safari supports DD+, “probably”.
See also the subject.
So Safari does, Edge does on Windows, Chrome probably not.
We were “checking” standard browsers.
It is next to obvious that you would use DD+ either for surround sound
(but AAC codecs and open codecs can do the same, of course), or
especially to code Atmos via JOC.
“Again, not as easy as it seems to be at the first glance.
Hope this helps.”
Hope my comments help, as well...
There is not much to “argue”, because I took a neutral position.
----- Mensagem de Fersch, Christof <> ---------
Data: Tue, 9 May 2023 16:09:43 +0000
De: "Fersch, Christof" <>
Assunto: Re: [Sursound] [Proposal] for HOA web-streaming-format
Para: Surround Sound discussion group <>
Hi guys,
Thanks for the investigation!
“Android does not support Dolby codecs.”
It is true that Dolby codecs are not part of the AOSP codebase.
However, if Android-based phones support Dolby codecs or not is a
different story. For instance, I would assume (but cannot check)
that most Android-based Samsung phones support many Dolby codecs.
Again, not as easy as it seems to be at the first glance.
Hope this helps.
From: Sursound <> on behalf of Stefan
Schreiber <>
Date: Tuesday, 9. May 2023 at 16:44
To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] [Proposal] for HOA web-streaming-format
Hello Hector!
These results make a lot of sense, and are what I would expect:
Android does not support Dolby codecs.
This is no speculation, but specified:
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