To my knowledge browsers don't support more than 8 channels, and configuring them for outputting more than 2 channels is probably a challenge for most users. One solution is to use MPEG-DASH and reassemble parts and decode them. But as with anything "Hi-Fi", the reproduction system is key, so unless people have individual HRTF and calibrated headphones, it may not be worth streaming Ambisonics to browsers with a lot of resolution. I don't know how many browsers are driving multichannel surround systems.

The Internet can work without browsers, so for exotic uses cases (like Ambisonics) using dedicated software is a solution, in order to easily configure the system for more than 8 (even 2) channels, use the most appropriate codec (like the gaming industry is doing).

In 2015 (before Google and Facebook) I coded a little horizontal-only demo ( using 3-channel files; I tried with the AAC, Opus and FLAC codecs, and (to me) it sounds better with FLAC, maybe because phases are preserved between multiple channels, while Opus sounded the worst (even if it is officially supporting Ambisonics). I'm sorry that my demo is (again) not working because of browser updates that are breaking web sites with unconventional features. A next fix could try to use WavPack.


Le 2023-05-01 à 11 h 28, Panos Kouvelis a écrit :
I see,

Then as suggested by others, and as I just read online, I think that
WavPack might be a good alternative?

Were you able to stream more than 8 channels using Opus on Safari? I think
I read somewhere that it's not possible to stream more than 8 channels in
Safari in general and I would like to confirm that if you have that


*Pan Athen*
SoundFellas <>, *MediaFlake Ltd
Digital Media Services, Content, and Tools

On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 10:43 AM Bo-Erik Sandholm <>

We use webaudio api and a modified omnitone.
We use up to third order and can play wav, aac-lc and opus on most

We have thought to use multitrack mp4/m4a with 2 × 8 channels with libfdk
heAAC which is the best available AAC-He codec for private persons , but it
also have a 8 channel limit.

The fetch and audio buffer is handled as they are in the mp4 container.

But we do not have the knowledge to write the code to use WAAPI transport
functions, and feed them into the decoder.

We use the built in os codecs for all platforms.

IOS has the most limitations.

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