Stefan Schreiber <> wrote:

        Maybe you refer to aliasing effects of FOA rendering on speaker systems 
with (too) many speakers?

Well I think there's two separate issues here. The number of loudspeakers you 
have sets an order for your loudspeaker array, I refer to orders above this as 
being spatially aliased. Then there's the second issue where your loudspeaker 
array is of a higher order than your material (that is you have more 
loudspeakers than you need for the material). The orders between that of the 
material and the loudspeaker array aren't spatially aliased, at least I 
wouldn't say so, they're set to 0 (if you are using mode matching).

So the problem is there is this fundamental issue with basic mode-matching 
where the number of speakers used should always be the minimum number required 
so the order of the loudspeaker array matches the order of the material. That 
is unless I have misunderstood Solvangs findings 

As we are agreed, but I think this is quite an interesting issue, my question 
is can anyone advise on the current state of the art to avoid this problem?  
I'm aware different decoders with different design principles can avoid it, but 
I'm most interested in if there is a tweaked mode-matching style decoder that 
solves the issue. 

To rephrase the problem, consider FOA material with a TOA loudspeaker array. 
The loudspeaker array can control the SOA and TOA components of the reproduced 
soundfield. But as mode-matching uses the pseudoinverse in the decoder and thus 
the min-norm energy solution, the decoder chooses to set the SOA and TOA 
components of the reproduced soundfield to zero. That is, the lowest energy 
solution here to reproduce FOA material is reproduce the FOA modes, then set 
the other modes that can be controlled to 0. Now move with radius r out from 
the central reproduction point and considering N=kr, you have correct 
reproduction up to 1 = kr. Above 3 = kr you have spatial aliasing because the 
array can't control these modes. But between 1 < kr < 3 something interesting 
happens, you've set these modes to 0 therefore you have an unnatural energy 
drop here. This is seen clearly in Fig 1 and 2 of Solvang's work linked above. 
Adding zeros in to FOA material to make it 'zero-stuffed' TOA and using the sa
 me loudspeaker array is thus the exact same problem and has the same issues. 

Now consider FOA material and a FOA loudspeaker array. It is correct up to 1 = 
kr, then spatial aliasing kicks in above this. This is preferable to the above 
as you avoid the weird energy drop, and in both cases you're only correct up to 
1 = kr anyway.

I believe this is the same reason why Bershchutz 
( proposes downsampling a HRTF for direct 
rendering in the spherical harmonic domain. A HRTF has significant content up 
to order N=35, so say you have a well measured HRTF that is to this order. If 
you use the pseudoinverse for your decoder and have say TOA material, the same 
issue arises and modes N=4+ are set to 0 and you get a big drop in energy at 
high frequencies. Spatially downsampling the HRTF to N=3 avoids this issue, and 
as before you are better off matching to the order of the material. 

So, is there anything we can do to tweak the mode-matching approach, so we can 
use a higher order loudspeaker array than the material. 'Upmixing' the material 
through tools like with COMPASS certainly seems one solution. Can anyone 
suggest any other alternatives? 


On 26/10/2020, 16:00, "Sursound on behalf of" 
< on behalf of> 

    Exactly, agreed.
    So there finally  < are > some issues if you are (just) inserting a
    1st order signal into a 2nd order one...
    Upmixing actually seems to avoid these problems, so maybe this should
    be a routine step IF you do order conversion? (The advantages are not
    only that sources are becoming sharper. COMPASS seems also to perform
    decorrelation of ambient parts, and that there could be some energy
    loss if performing ?zero-stuffing? of HOA elements seems to be very
    ?so you are actually better off letting spatial
    aliasing kick in and just use a first order decoder, albeit with the
    wrong information in those higher orders.?
    I don?t quite understand this, because you don?t feed higher order
    elemts into an FOA decoder...
    Maybe you refer to aliasing effects of FOA rendering on speaker
    systems with (too) many speakers?

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