Sorry to interrupt, but you didn't test COMPASS yet.

(Compass is not HarpeX, these techniques are very different.)

Otherwise: You need the R channel to do proper upsampling from 2nd to 3rd order. Nobody has tested this on this list, at least I did not see any such test resuklts yet.

Before speaking about limitations things should be tried and evaluated?

Best regards


----- Mensagem de moskowitz <> ---------
Data: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 17:26:36 -0400 (EDT)
De: moskowitz <>
Assunto: Re: [Sursound] ORTF-3D With Higher-order Ambisonics

Stefan Schreiber <> wrote:

However, you can generate the R channel (which was the first step) AND
upsample from 2nd to 3rd order.

Yes, you can, but, as with any parametric (non-linear) process, you need to understand its limits. With complex soundscapes, the quality of its performance breaks down.

Creating a good quality R-channel from an excellent first-order B-format recording is one thing. Creating all of the third-order channels is another.

Len Moskowitz (
Core Sound LLC
Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
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