Only four Core Sound OctoMic second-order microphones are needed replace the 12 mono microphones used in full sphere ORTF-3D, with better polar patterns and true ORTF angles & spacings for all pairs of mics.

Why “12 mono microphones”?

ORTF-3D needs 8 capsules pointing to the corners to a cube.


Stefan Schreiber

----- Mensagem de moskowitz <> ---------
Data: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 12:12:44 -0400 (EDT)
De: moskowitz <>
Assunto: [Sursound] ORTF-3D With Higher-order Ambisonics

Steven Boardman <>

For even better polar pattern control, you could use ambisonic mics in an
Schoeps won?t have better polar patterns than a well calibrated ambisonic
mic. So in theory the ORTF array would produce a better spatial image.
If you have enough channels and your budget is good, why not use 8
ambisonic mics?

Or if you used something like Harpex, maybe you could synthesise spaced
pairs and only use 4?
You would still be below Schoeps ORTF budget as well?.:)

Only four Core Sound OctoMic second-order microphones are needed replace the 12 mono microphones used in full sphere ORTF-3D, with better polar patterns and true ORTF angles & spacings for all pairs of mics.

You'd need 32 recording channels. That can be done at reasonable cost with a Midas 32C/DL32 setup (for under $3000), four Zoom F8ns, or for higher cost with two Sound Devices Scorpios.

We tried using Harpex to do ORTF with a single OctoMic. Unfortunately, its plane wave decomposition process for translating ambisonic soundfields in space results in relatively weak location cues.

Len Moskowitz (
Core Sound LLC
Home of OctoMic and TetraMic

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