Thanks for the feedback. I feel more reassured.
Spat can do DBAP, and I´m waitng for an answer from Flux regarding speaker 
I think it wold be ideal to make the right set up, but I could be theory only - 
Don´t know - I wil make som tests next week.

I´m on a tight schedule, so learning new software is a challenge, but I will 
look into it.

Best regards

> Den 3. okt. 2020 kl. 11.23 skrev Augustine Leudar <>:
> in which you CAN tell the software where the speakers are and ideally in
> which direction they are facing.
> On Sat, 3 Oct 2020 at 10:20, Augustine Leudar <>
> wrote:
>> just to elaborate with an example - I once had to pan a sound around an
>> octagon of speakers "facing outward" - using a normal octaphonic panner
>> worked with this just as well as if the speakers had been facing inward -
>> because basically the software doesn't know where you've put speakers- it
>> just uses panning laws to pan sounds from one speaker to the next, you just
>> need to play around with speaker positions/directivty/panning law etc . I
>> even used an octaphonic panner in which the software thought the speakers
>> were in a nice circle - to pan a sound round a part of a maze once. You
>> just have to watch your panning law/speaker positions so there's not too
>> many holes in the panning - and make sure you're not trying to pan "across
>> the circle" as obviously if your speakers are not in a circle it will lead
>> to unpredictable results. This is a workaround - obviously some form of
>> special DBAP software is preferred.
>> On Sat, 3 Oct 2020 at 09:35, Augustine Leudar <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi I do these kinds of things all the time - far more than ambisonics in
>>> fact basically you want to use Dbap or just any form of amplitude panning.
>>> You could try using ICST in max msp which allows you to draw a map of the
>>> sp[eakers, adjust directivity and then pan the sound around said map, or
>>> you could try Immersive DSPs  Immergo system which will allow you to do a
>>> similar thing with certain soundcards, I believe Spat has this capability
>>> too. If Learning this software is too much for your time schedule you can
>>> use normal surround sound panners in a way that they're not strictly meant
>>> to be used. For example a normal quadraphonic panner will still pan a sound
>>> up and down a straight line of 4 speakers instead of a square if you put
>>> the speakers in a straight line instead of a square etc etc
>>> all the best
>>> Gus
>>> On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 22:30, Søren Bendixen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Surround group
>>>> For my next exhibition sounddesign I need to make to set ups that is
>>>> causing me some concern
>>>> one set up is 4 speakers, another is 6 speakers (but are only feeded by
>>>> 4 channels of sound)
>>>> BUT for both set ups the speakers are point away from center.
>>>> The speakers are arranged in a circle, They play out at an angle of
>>>> approx. 30 - 40 degrees, seen from a horizontal angle, so they point
>>>> upwards, a bit. Hope this is understandable.
>>>> I usually work in reaper + Spat Revolution when I have to make "crazy"
>>>> configurations, but this one I can not get drawn in spat R and I do not
>>>> immediately know a program that can do such a set up. Next week I have to
>>>> experiment with a similar high-pitched line-up - and think that I might
>>>> just have to produce directly.
>>>> I will try quad format first and see/hear what happens...
>>>> One of the set ups is a Mammuth standing in a river. The sounddesign
>>>> should "make the mammuth come alive - so I have one speaker for head, one
>>>> for each side and one for the back of the animal.
>>>> The diameter for the speaker circle is around one meter for this design,
>>>> The diameter for the other design is approx. 2 meters.
>>>> In both cases there must be a coherent sound design (in one set up we
>>>> add speak).
>>>> If anyone has ideas, experiences I would love to hear about it.
>>>> Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
>>>> Søren Bendixen
>>>> Composer/Sound Designer & Guitarist
>>>> Company: Audiotect
>>>> Radio Audiotect: Playlist <
>>>> Latest Music and Sounddesign
>>>> Stringquartet no. 1 - Release d. 200920
>>>> "HEX - Museum for Witch Hunt"
>>>> Ribe, Denmark
>>>> From 30 june 2020 - Permanent exhibition
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer & Guitarist

Company: Audiotect

Radio Audiotect: Playlist 

Latest Music and Sounddesign

Stringquartet no. 1 - Release d. 200920

"HEX - Museum for Witch Hunt"
Ribe, Denmark
From 30 june 2020 - Permanent exhibition

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