
You could look at game engines like Unreal or Unity, and if you can get 
headtrackers send OSC to the engine you will get coordinates for the position 
of the players head. You can use native multiplayer feature of the engines. You 
could employ Kinect camera to trace position of the players in the room.

It would be very easy to implement using VR/AR 6DoF headsets, where you have 
room position tracking and headtracking combined and the SDK ready to use. 


Przemyslaw Danowski
Sound Engineering Department
Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
www.chopin.edu.pl <http://www.chopin.edu.pl/>

UMFC VR : virtual exhibition
http://fb.me/umfcvr <http://fb.me/umfcvr>
> Wiadomość napisana przez Michelle Irving <michelle.irv...@soleilsound.com 
> <mailto:michelle.irv...@soleilsound.com>> w dniu 27.09.2019, o godz. 19:22:
> Hi,
> I'm working with an artist who wants to explore Ambisonic Audio
> and use the Audeze Mobius headphones in an audio installation.
> The soundscape will consist of recordings of various individual vocals
> spatialized
> throughout the "room". There is a video projection overhead. Hard sync is
> not required.
> Questions:
> 1.Is it possible to exploit the headtracking of the Mobius headphones to
> give each person and individualized experience of the audio composition.
> ie. Person A is in the far left front corner and hearing a particular voice
> in close proximity while Person B is in the far back right corner barely
> hearing what Person A is hearing?
> 2.If the Answer to 1. is YES - would you recommend using Max/Msp or Arduino
> for configuring hte individual playbacks (mappings between headphones and
> some sort of player)
> 3.I've looked at the Waves NX toolkit and I don't see a feature to
> determine virtual room size?Am I missing something or is there other tech
> that could allow me to map the headtracker to a specific roomsize?
> 4.Open to better ideas how to achieve an interactive Ambisonic audio
> soundscape that works with multiple headsets.
> thanks!
> Michelle
> -- 
> Michelle Irving
> Post-Audio Supervisor
> 416-500-1631
> 507 King St. East
> Toronto, Ontario
> www.soleilsound.com <http://www.soleilsound.com/>
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