Hi, Phi ( play on words, there)

As Augustine and Dave have alluded to, it's simply not possible to say which is 
the "best" - that would be like asking whether a Ferrari or a tractor is best 
(you can pay similar amounts for each) - it depends whether you're going on the 
Nurburgring or a muddy field, or indeed, a trip to the supermarket.

But an important point is that, for a specific layout, ther's nothing stops you 
using multiple encodings in parallel - FOA, HOA, VBAP, etc, because what is 
good for spaciousness and ambience isn't necessarily great for controlling 
point sources, or image size and so on - and none are great for controlling 
distance (actually, "range").

So a host like Reaper can quite happily accommodate multiple encode/decoding 

The other point, as others may well point out, is that no encode/decode regime 
is quite as "scalable" as we might like. Especially for large-scale 
performances, the decisions taken in a small-scale studio rig have to be 
reworked, because there seems to be a "perceptual constancy" about actual 
speaker distances (with the partial exception of anechoic listening 
circumstances) which distorts image size and plausible movement.

So, in a way, it's better to work backwards - from eventual display 
circumstances back to appropriate encoding.

Good luck!

Dr. Peter Lennox SFHEA

Senior Lecturer in Perception

College of Arts, Humanities and Education

School of Arts

e: p.len...@derby.ac.uk<mailto:p.len...@derby.ac.uk>

t: 01332 593155


University of Derby,
Kedleston Road,
DE22 1GB, UK
From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of Augustine Leudar 
Sent: 29 April 2019 20:15:21
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Study Comparing Ambisonic and Channel Based Systems

Hi Phi,
I use 8 speakers often enough and have covered faily large areas and you
can get great effects including height with only 8 speakers, in fact you
can get height with just one speaker if you stick it up a tree :)
 ( its not how many speakers you have its where you put them ;) An
octophonic cube works fine for height - I wouldn'y necessarily use
ambisonics for that or play around converting thing to/frombinaural etc
(unless you have recordings you want to use already recorded in a
particular fomat). It really depends where you want to have your
installation and what your objectives - I do a lot of stuff in forests and
other site
specific locationsand I often use very irregular speaker arrays to achieve
certain effects - I may use a cube or a grid but not always. I have found
amplitude panning the most effective for this. You can use Max MSP
to map your speaker array with software such as spat or ICST and then pan
and automate  your sources around. I have achieved far more convincing
proximity effects with just 8 speakers positioned carefully in a forest
than the 48 peripheral spoeaker array at SARC using HOA. This is simnply
because the sound actually IS closer to your ear - so ther eisnt really an
trickery involved, no need to con anyones HRTFs etc
If you dont want to play around with Max I think.. Pyramix has something
that lets you draw a speaker map in it. Otherwise you could use even a
normal octophonic panner in reaper or whatever-
if some of the speakers are higher than others,the sound will appear to go
up when it reaches those speakers - you just have to be creative with your

On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 at 17:12, Phi Shu <phi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reading above, curious then, for those of us who don't have the luxury of
> working with 24 channels plus, what is the best way to utilise 8 speakers
> such that one can produce with a larger array in mind? (or at least
> approach an approximation of how it might sound).
> How to approach monitoring height with only 8 speakers? An 8 channel cube
> array with a virtual speaker solution? Or would it be better to do this
> type of spatialistion using HOA to binaural? - therefore monitor on
> headphones.
> What is the best tool for creating so-called virtual speakers anyway? Can
> the AIIRADecoder do this?
> Or, is it the case that trying to produce for a proprietary large array is
> pointless unless one has sufficient speakers to monitor vertical sound
> placement accurately?
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 10:58 AM Pierre Alexandre Tremblay <
> tremb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I forgot to say: Jörn Nettingsmeier ’s experience was life changing. He
> > really knows about the reality of real-life in-hall use of HOA and was
> > incredibly wise and generous.
> >
> > Great discussion with Anders Tveit were important too. Pierre Guillot’s
> > help with sorting the many, many issues of the many, many combinations of
> > TOA formats was also a life saver.
> >
> > Details on the piece here:
> >
> https://electrocd.com/en/oeuvre/41658/Pierre_Alexandre_Tremblay/Bucolic_Broken
> > <
> >
> https://electrocd.com/en/oeuvre/41658/Pierre_Alexandre_Tremblay/Bucolic_Broken
> > >
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Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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