You should consider Ambiophonics.  With four speakers and 4.0 media such as
Dolby Atmos or Auro3D or B format, you can have a full circle of direct
sound in the horizontal plane.  You can have several listeners and you don't
need head tracking.  Height however does require more speakers but height
hall ambience is easy to obtain.  Take a look at the miniDSP, Amtra,
Soundpimp, NeutronMP, AmbiophonicsDSP, etc.  Links, AES papers and tutorials
at  There are also sample demo 4.0 tracks available
made with an Ambiophone, a 4.0 mic array originally conceived by seeing what
happens when you combine two Soundfield mics and a shaped structure between
them.  See the papers by Robin Miller under the tab Recording Engineers
Corner.  See also the hall IRs furnished by Angelo Farina if you want
ambient height for music.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Sursound [] On Behalf Of Augustine
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2019 4:05 AM
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Study Comparing Ambisonic and Channel Based Systems

I havent done a study on it but ive done hundreds of compositions and
installations and the differences are pretty obvious. Ambisonics is pretty
good at filling a hole in the panning but vbap can be better under some
circumstances. Ambisonics is pretty much useles if you want to say, makes
sounds fly round a labarinth of corridors covering a festival area in which
case dbap is better suited. Wfs handles focussed sources better. 5-,1
strictty speaking is a speaker array so you could have ambisonics over a
5.1 speaker setup. Ive toyed with the idea of  doing a study comparing how
well tecniques can get sounds to sppear close to a lustener  between wfs ,
ambisonics and dbap but its pointless reslly as its obvious to anyone who
uses these things what the results would be.All different tools for
different jobs.

On Friday, 19 April 2019, Michael Bevers <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm curious if anyone knows of, or has conducted, any studies comparing an
> Ambisonic system to a channel-based system? For example, a comparison of
> Auro 3-D system with an Ambisonic system. Or even just a 5.1 surround
> system with an Ambisonic system.
> I haven't found any studies myself directly comparing the two, even
> AES.
> Thanks for any help,
> Michael
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Dr. Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
Company Number : NI635217
Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
Belfast BT88LL
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