Richard Lee wrote:

If anyone has recordings of any of this Matrix H, HJ, UHJ stuff, please post a copy on

with a good description of what it is and the circumstances.

I don't think UHJ is dead yet as the biggest present market for music is 2 channel stuff for headphones and UHJ gives excellent results for this and other playback methods too.
Even if I basically agree with this view, I would like to add just a few comments:

- If the listener doesn't use some decoder, UHJ is listened to as < stereo >. (You are delivering surround sound, but the listener actually doesn't notice.)

- If you already use some binaural decoder, you could apply some 3/4-channel Ambisonics to binaural decoder anyway.

- Backward-compatible (to stereo) forms of Ambisonics are very probably possible. I have proposed this idea some time ago. (At 1st order the proposal is based on 3/4 channel UHJ, so on some LR-TQ channel "stereo core + extension" scheme. This concept could probably be extended to HOA, as well.)

Isn't it a bit late for 2-channel UHJ decoders anyway? Some radio broadcaster already could try to apply some < multiformat > surround to binaural decoders on the "customer" side. 5.1 and Ambisonics should/could be both supported, and maybe more formats. (If format wars are not necessary from a modern perspective, we should not try to continue some partially imagined conflict. Ambisonics has some clear advantages in the areas of AR/VR and 360º video. So some natural application cases finally exist.)

Even HTML5 surround  decoders are possible by now:

(NouvOson, 5.1)

Marc Lavallée presented one online player/decoder for XYW recordings.

Now somebody would "just" have to do some integration.

Audio objects:

funding from the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme


ORPHEUS will deliver a sustainable solution, ensuring that workflows and components for object-based audio scale up to enable cost-effective commercial production, storage, re-purposing, play-out and distribution.

"sustainable cost-effective commercial" bla bla bla bla bla bla.)

Of course they could (or should?) start to implement 5.1 and Ambisonics decoders firstly. But < who > would fund < this > stuff?! (Too obvious, too little research or say development effort needed. )

"Wait until 2020. All will be good by then." (It is also some classical Ircam strategy to point to the benefits of the < next generation >. We never will be < there > , but never mind! :-D )

So: We don't have to be < too > conservative. (We also don't have to wait 'til "2020" to start with something.)

Best regards,


P.S.: And quadraphonic formats are maybe interesting - but quite obviously surround history. Some recordings still exist, but there won't be anything recent or new "stuff" around.

"Alice's Adventures In (3D Audio?) Wonderland".

I can remember listening to this play on BBC Radio 3/4 several times,

There is also some even more jurassic book around...    :-X


I still have some off-air recordings of the BBC's Matrix H system. Never
tried to decode them but they have a pleasing surround sensation when listened to on headphones. Must have been the mic. placements ??

One broadcast I recall was a play based upon Alice in Wonderland entitled

"Alice's Adventures In Wonderland".

I can remember listening to this play on BBC Radio 3/4 several times,

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