On 2017-01-05, Martin Leese wrote:
This looks like the following Wireless World two-page article:
Surround sound decoders - 5
Variomatrix adaptor for System 45J and Matrix H
Phase shift circuit allows Variomatrix to decode Matrix H and System 45J
by Michael A. Gerzon, M.A., Mathematical Institute, Oxford
Unfortunately the date on my photocopy is messed up. It is definitely
May, and probably 1977
May 1977, pages 50 and 51.
Heed taken. If I ever need help with excising articles such as this one
from broader work, for inclusion in the Motherlode, I hope I can count
on list partakers? My direct email inbox can take rather a heavy load in
attachments, even if the list software scrubs them; at least hundreds of
megabytes at a time, if not even a few gigabytes.
(The archive of Wireless World issues is awesome.)
Is it ever! I'm seriously thinking of archiving the whole bonanza! 8)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, http://decoy.iki.fi/front
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