On Tue, Nov 01, 2016 at 09:13:22PM +0100, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:

> >>You could make six dipoles, one along each edge.
> >
> >But with 4 inputs you can have only 4 independent signals.
> Yeah, they are not linearly independent. I wonder how to map them...
> was thinking you could derive those 6 dipoles independently (in the
> hope that mismatches could then be compensated for more easily), and
> then project each of them onto the XYZ space with a little summing
> matrix. Not that I'd actually want to do that, though - with four
> MEMs, the prize doesn't seem worth it :-]

Assuming the mics are in the usual 'tetra' positions, the A/B
matrix would be the same as for a normal tetramic, e.g. 
X = LFU + RFD - LBD - RBU,  but followed by those high gain
-6 dB/oct filters on X,Y,Z.



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