The Zoom F8 and F4 certainly look very attractive; but the knobs are very small and I do wonder about their ruggedness. The Tascams mentioned here are good.

I have been using a Roland R-44 for 4-track mobile recording of my B-format mic. One can set the gains equal without miuch difficulty, but they all need to be adjusted separately, so only during a null in the programme. They manage 192k/24-bits with no trouble, battery life is reasonable and SD cards hold plenty and are reliable. I now have a Roland R-88, which is even better in all respects. On this one can gang the level controls of 2 to 8 channels and control them with one switch. It can be used as an 8 input "USB sound card" with a laptop. The Roland displays are monochrome, but do everything required. The user manuals can be downloaded.

For other work, when I add accent mikes, I have used an Adat HD24 as backup to my laptop -- with excellent and reliable results. Recently I have substituted for this a USB stick, which plugs into the RME UFX and will record up to 60 channels simultaneously. (The UFX is as good as any ADA box in my opinion, and much cheaper than some.)

If anyone in Europe is interested in buying my Roland R-44 or Adat HD24, please contact me off list.


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