On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 05:18:17PM +0100, Stefan Schreiber wrote:

> >My eight channel microphone is meant to be  2nd order with height.
> >I know that needs nine  channels but angelo farina has told me it
> >will be possible to create a filter matrix so the 8channels of A
> >format can be processed into 9 channels of B format.

Be careful with such assertions. Provided your mic captures the
*full* 2nd order information of some subset of all directions
(at the expense of other directions) then you can encode this
into correct 2nd order signals.

For example if you have correct 2nd order horizontal signals
you can compute the missing ones *assuming all sources are
in the horizontal plane*.

But if you use some capsule layout that has no preferred
directions (in other words if you try to be full-sphere 2nd
order, e.g. a cube or something similar) the result with 8
capsules will be that you don't have full 2nd order info in
*any* direction, and any attempt to obtain correct 2nd order
signals (by linear processing) will fail.



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