Dear Surround Sound Discussion Group,

I have been following the emails here for a few months now. Thank you all very 
much for sharing and discussion.

My name is Henk van Engelen and I work for the music and audio production 
company in Amsterdam. We have been working on sound design and audio 
production for 360 film (cinematic VR). Along the way we have developed some 
tools and a workflow to watch and rotate a 360 video on your desktop (in Kolor 
Eyes) and sync play state & pitch/yaw of the corresponding ambisonics sound 
field in Reaper (with ATK rotate plugin). We will share some tools and 
templates for this in the next week or two: we are working on some tutorial 
vids. The idea is that we can deliver our clients a b-format mix (for 
spatial/positional audio) together with a stereo mix (for music, non spatial 

We are involved in a project to make a VR video player. In this player we very 
much want to add direct support for ambisonics audio with binaural decoding 
(and maybe stereo decoding for desktop use), and a synced stereo track for the 
non positional audio (like music). With this project we hope to open up the 
possibilities of using ’native’ b-format for the VR market and all the great 
(vst) software for your DAW that is already available.

My question is: Who can help us find the best libraries for ambisonics audio to 
use in the 360 Video player.

So far we have come up with the following:

you can seem to play ambisonics files with these:

Are these the same? which one would be best for this project?

Then we need to be able to rotate the sound field. I found the rotate class of 
this one:
but it seems to be only rotating around one axis (Yaw). I really would like to 
rotate around all three.

I also found this one:
unfortunately this library does not seem to be very well kept and supports only 

Are there other options for rotation? People have experience with these 
libraries? Which one would be best for this project?

Step three is the binaural (and maybe stereo) decoding. We are thinking of 
using the HOAlibrary for this.

Where can I find the best HRTFs? Which one is a good starting point for the 
“average” head?

If anyone has some suggestions or tips for this project it is very much 
appreciated. I will keep this group informed about future progress.

thank you,

Henk van Engelen

Rapenburgerstraat 109
1011 VL Amsterdam

T: +31615555694
M: | Facebook

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