Hi Toby The link below is probably the quickest way to find something that almost works from the beginning :-) You just have to modify the directional signals from Oculus to work with the OSC syntax in this package. Or modify the OSC receiver to accept the Oculus syntax.
Please let us know of your progress. http://www.matthiaskronlachner.com/ Reaper libsndfile wrapper - allows to read more audio formats (eg. RF64) Headtracking for Binaural Ambisonic Playback ambiX v0.2.2 - Ambisonic plug-in suite mcfx v0.3.1 - multichannel audio plug-in suite http://iem.kug.ac.at/fileadmin/media/iem/projects/2012/kronlachner.pdf AmbiX - added explanation from Matthias > Just OSC from a headtracker seems to be missing. not missing, just not documented. the rotator_z does receive osc at udp port 7120 message: /rotation [pitch] [yaw] [roll] angles are in degree, but rotator_z only reacts to yaw (z) of course. i more or less forgot to include this into the xyz rotation plugin (ambix_rotate), but as Reaper does allow to receive OSC messages and control plugin parameters through OSC learn i did not see a need for it. this is the way i am using the rotator with headtracking. ----------------------------------------- DIY Headtracker (Easy build, No drift, OpenSource) ca 9 Usd + 10 USD för Aurdino aliexpress.com http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1677559 https://github.com/ptrbrtz/razor-9dof-ahrs/wiki/Tutorial relevant to this sensor mody fy for gy-85 http://eegexplore.blogspot.com/2014/05/ahrshead-tracking-test-with-gy-85.html Now you can start to follow the original tutorial . When you reach the section: Uploading the firmware> Hardware option, please choose this option: #define HW__VERSION_CODE 10724 // SparkFun "9DOF Sensor Stick" version "SEN-10724" (HMC5883L magnetometer) BR Bo-Erik Sandholm -----Original Message----- From: Sursound [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu] On Behalf Of Tobix Sent: den 9 mars 2015 12:12 To: sursound@music.vt.edu Subject: [Sursound] Ambisonics decoder to hrtf with VR support Hello, I am trying to make simple demo for Oculus (c++). What I have is some stationary sound sources that are played by openal hrtf filters and response to head rotations (setting listener's position, forward and up vectors based on rotation and movement). Openal takes mono wav files to produce hrtf output, but in the final demo I will be using ambisonics files as input. Currently I am searching for library, project that is capable of decoding .amb to hrtf (headphones), is open-source and written in c/c++. I'm not willing to write this myself, because this is my first touch with ambisonics at all. What I need is: - create sound sources in 3D plane - set sources' input as .amb file - have a way to change listener position - get hrft output on headphones I've read that ambisonics is good for listener in center, right? This means that if player can move the sound effect will be distorted? The way that openal handles source positions and listener is good for me, but could it be reproduced with ambisonics? Thanks in advance. Toby _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list Sursound@music.vt.edu https://mail.music.vt.edu/mailman/listinfo/sursound - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on. _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list Sursound@music.vt.edu https://mail.music.vt.edu/mailman/listinfo/sursound - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.