Hi Adam
Do you know these guys ?


> On 13 nov. 2014, at 04:52, Adam Somers <a...@jauntvr.com> wrote:
> To clarify, as a bunch of Stanford alumni (one of CCRMA myself), ambisonics
> was well known to us at Jaunt VR when we got started.  Through our dealings
> with Len at CoreSound we get connected to David who has provided immensely
> useful tools for A->B conversion, head-tracking, and real-time binaural
> downmix.
> VR video (or as we call it, Cinematic VR) is in some ways the perfect
> use-case for ambisonics.  This year we've created hundreds, if not
> thousands, of b-format recordings with accompanying 360º 3D video.
> Still, I've yet to find a solution for b-to-binaural which is as convincing
> as some of the BRIR-based object-sound spatialization packages (e.g. DTS
> HeadphoneX and Visisonics Realspace).  I think what's primarily lacking is
> externalization, which perhaps can be 'faked' with BRIRs.  I'm thinking of
> a 'virtual listening room' where the b-format recording is played through
> BRIRs instead of anechoic HRTFs.  Anyone have experience with that?
> Cheers,
> Adam Somers
> Jaunt, Inc.
> http://jauntvr.com
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt>
> wrote:
>> David McGriffy wrote:
>> There does seem to be a lot of interest in ambisonics to binaural these
>>> days.  It certainly seems that way to me since I’ve been immersed in it of
>>> late.
>>> Stefan, if your suggestion to the folks at JauntVR is what turned them on
>>> to ambisonics, then I must thank you as I have been having a great time
>>> working with them to provide custom ambisonics code, including binaural
>>> conversion.
>> - They (JauntVR) have used Ambisonics before I even heard about them, so
>> Ambisonics didn't  need my help to be "discovered" by the JauntVR
>> development team... if there was any decisive "suggestion" to use
>> Ambisonics in this context, it was probably the fact that Ambisonics is an
>> established and very usable 3D audio format/framework. And further that we
>> have microphones to  record FOA (soundfield mic) or even HOA fields
>> (spherical array microphones, eigenmike etc.).
>> Binaural recordings would be another choice for "3D audio capture" -
>> binaural recordings are "colored" or personalised from the very start,
>> though. Even worse: How would you apply HT to binaural recordings? This
>> doesn't seem to work at all...
>> - In my (short) contact with JauntVR, I suggested (only) to consider the
>> use of some parametric decoder. (for example Harpex)
>> I expect that I will also have some level of binaural conversion out in
>>> general purpose plugins eventually.
>> Great news. Hopefully this won't take very long. The  demand  for this is
>> already  there - and probably will increase.
>> Best,
>> Stefan
>> David McGriffy
>>> VVAudio.com
>>> On Nov 12, 2014, at 5:10 PM, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sampo Syreeni wrote:
>>>>> On 2014-11-12, Braxton Boren wrote:
>>>>>> Our lab is working on some audio spatialization techniques that we'd
>>>>>> like to sync up with visual content over the Oculus Rift. We would like 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> process the Ambisonic audio content separately (using head-tracking data
>>>>>> from the Oculus) for binaural rendering while the interactive VR visuals
>>>>>> are running on the Oculus.
>>>>> What is this, a sudden landslide? I *just* got a demo from Ville Pulkki
>>>>> on this precise stuff at Aalto, here. I'm betting you'd want to contact 
>>>>> him
>>>>> directly on this one.
>>>> Well, but I < did > write to Ville Pulkki during last week about VR and
>>>> other applications of Ambisonics and DirAC  (or in general: Ambisonics and
>>>> parametric Ambisonics decoders). Which is probably just a further
>>>> coincidence...
>>>> Still waiting for the master's answer, though...    :-D
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> "
>>>>> See Bo-Erik Sandholm's recent posting on sursound (on "VR applications")
>>>>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.audio.sursound/6227
>>>> ...
>>>>> ... The combination of Ambisonics, DirAC and head-tracking (for
>>>>> binaural decoders) could be a real game-change development.
>>>> "
>>>> In any case, the VR people have already discovered Ambisonics some while
>>>> ago -  I remember that I myself have suggested to some representant of
>>>> Jaunt VR (obviously Jaunt VR is connected with the Oculus Rift train) to
>>>> consider the use of Harpex. (thread retrievable via sursound archives)
>>>> The bigger picture is of course that head-tracked Ambisonics seems to be
>>>> a natural fit for VR audio - VR includes HT "by definition", and needs
>>>> obviously some 3D audio infrastructure for the sound. Ambisonics offers
>>>> both an established 3D audio framework and (importantly, too...) 3D audio
>>>> capture!
>>>> Rotation of sound fields according to positional head data can be
>>>> realized in a straightforward and simple fashion -  before the decoding
>>>> stage.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Stefan
>>>>> I was just wondering if there are any freely available demos that
>>>>>> include both VR visuals for Oculus as well as Ambisonic sound files.
>>>>> Dunno how freely available they are, they they exist. *Oh* do they
>>>>> exist! :)
>>>>>> - VR visual content *integrated *with the Oculus Rift
>>>>>> - *Raw *Ambisonic recordings that go along with the VR simulation
>>>>> The latter were played, at first order. Multiple clips too. I'm betting
>>>>> the A-format has been entombed as well, because I seem to remember at 
>>>>> least
>>>>> one paper might be hanging on it. But let Ville fill out the details. And
>>>>> of course Archontis Politis, who's working on his PhD at Aalto -- and who
>>>>> demonstrated even wilder ambisonic minded stuff to me on the same visit...
>>>>> 8)
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