About the only way it can be totally screwed up is if the two channels are
treated unequally, either in the amplitude or frequency domains. So, if
this is badly screwed up then it has to be equalised differently on the two
channels, or they've decided to rebalance the channels because of some
perceived imbalance - unless, of course, they've completely re-done it from
multitrack masters. If that's the case, it would be unlikely for the studio
to know owt about UHJ so anything could have happened :-( Anyone know if
this was the case for this?


On 9 December 2013 07:22, Bearcat M. Şándor <bear...@feline-soul.com> wrote:

> According to wikipedia "It is a full digital production and both the LP and
> CD releases was encoded using the two-channel Ambisonic UHJ format."
> Does that mean that all CDs of this album will be encoded in UHJ or can
> that be lost in the mastering somehow?
> Thanks,
> --
> Bearcat M. Şándor
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As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University

Dave Malham
Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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