Misspelled it - it's the "Polhemus". This is, I suspect, long out of
production. Boy were they expensive! Very popular in the early days (early
90's) of VR despite that fact.

There are some on ebay  (but check that they have working receivers!).
Here's a current one that has a good description of how it works


On 5 May 2013 15:24, Matthew Palmer <palme...@mymail.vcu.edu> wrote:

> Yah, I planned on triggering.
> Can you send links to the Polyhemus Tracker?
> I know there is precedent, but I am excited because this way is relatively
> cheap & the goggles could make things fun & easy.
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Dave Malham
Ex-Music Research Centre
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The University of York
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'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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