On 20/03/2013 8:06 AM, Augustine Leudar wrote:
Hello all,
I am looking for examples of permanent multichannel/surround sound audio
installations in museums. Does anyone know of any examples. I am interested
in any that have at least 4 channels and not a stereo file diffused over 4
speakers etc.  If possible please state the number of channels used ,
speaker positioning , spatialisation techniques used, their application and
the location of the installation,

Hi Gus,

You should look in to the work of the following architectural soundscape designers: Les Gilbert, Nigel Frayne, David Chesworth, Sonia Leber, all of whom who have worked for the museum sector at least since the late 80s if not earlier. They have all deployed many large-scale multichannel soundscape installations, usually working in conjunction with architects and building designers. The works that I am aware of often have 24+channels of diffusion. Some works accross whole buildings, with spatialisation paths traversing levels. The works often involve algorithmic/generative sequencing. You could contact each of them for more details regarding specific works.

Les Gilbert
Magian Media Studio (formerly Sound Design Studio)

Nigel Frayne
Resonant Designs

David Chesworth and Sonia Leber


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