Thanks Eero ,
I know what you mean about reliability. I think if the computer is
disconected from the internet with a stripped down operating system that
isnt trying to update itself , connected to the internet or even without a
keyboard mouse and monitor (so noone can fiddle)  it should be ok. The
problem is I need two sets of 8 channels in two separate rooms too far
apart  to connect via cabling - so I need two devices - otherwise it would
make sense to get one 24 channel player as suggested - but as it is I need
two 8 channel ones.

On 10 February 2013 14:35, Eero Aro <> wrote:

> The thing is I dont need a recorder but a playback device
> I have understood that. I was also looking for a similar playback device
> for
> an installation some time ago. As you see, there aren't too many, so I
> also looked at the recorders.
>  - obviously devices that can record 8 channels can usually play them
>> back as well
> Well, some of them can. Some need to be connect to a computer with
> a multichannel interface, which would be crazy in this case.
>  I have decided to go the motu ultralite
>> soundcard with a small rock solid computer setup up to automatically play
>> 8
>> channels when the on button is pressed
> For certain that is a very good solution.
> Here's one more standalone recorder for you:
> There seems to be one for sale at EBay for 400 $.
> When I was planning the installation, I was preferably looking for a SD
> card or
> solid state memory player, which you could leave on loop playing for ever.
> The museum personnel or a timer could switch on just the speakers when
> needed.
> The playback reliablility is crucial. Otherwise you'll be running there to
> reset the
> system every now and then.
> Having said that, back in the years I made an installation that ran on
> three
> ADAT tape recorders using VHS tape. They kept on looping for three months
> in
> a row without any interruptions.
> Good luck with the installation.
> Eero
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