Thanks for the info. The thing is I dont need a recorder but a playback
device - obviously devices that can record 8 channels can usually play them
back as well but due to the added features (that I dont need for this
project)  tend to be more costly. I have decided to go the motu ultralite
soundcard with a small rock solid computer setup up to automatically play 8
channels when the on button is pressed  - very nice soundcard, reasonably
priced cheap and no need to play around with dts encoding, soldering irons
etc unless someone comes up with a better idea in the next hour or two !
Thanks you all for your responses.

On 10 February 2013 12:39, Eero Aro <eero....@dlc.fi> wrote:

> There are standalone multichannel recorders from several
> manufacturers, such as this:
> http://www.joeco.co.uk/main/**BBR_models.html<http://www.joeco.co.uk/main/BBR_models.html>
> And portable multichannel recorders such as this:
> http://www.sounddevices.com/**products/788t/images/<http://www.sounddevices.com/products/788t/images/>
> ...and even more channels from other manufacturers.
> The portables cost a lot. Also, the problem is that the recorders
> don't have analog (or digital) outputs from several channels,
> most of them only have a stereo monitor output.
> Eero
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