The thing is I dont need a recorder but a playback device

I have understood that. I was also looking for a similar playback device for
an installation some time ago. As you see, there aren't too many, so I
also looked at the recorders.

- obviously devices that can record 8 channels can usually play them
back as well

Well, some of them can. Some need to be connect to a computer with
a multichannel interface, which would be crazy in this case.

I have decided to go the motu ultralite
soundcard with a small rock solid computer setup up to automatically play 8
channels when the on button is pressed

For certain that is a very good solution.

Here's one more standalone recorder for you:
There seems to be one for sale at EBay for 400 $.

When I was planning the installation, I was preferably looking for a SD card or
solid state memory player, which you could leave on loop playing for ever.
The museum personnel or a timer could switch on just the speakers when needed. The playback reliablility is crucial. Otherwise you'll be running there to reset the
system every now and then.

Having said that, back in the years I made an installation that ran on three
ADAT tape recorders using VHS tape. They kept on looping for three months in
a row without any interruptions.

Good luck with the installation.

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