Turtle Beach 56K was earlier but I don't know if you
could do multiple cards.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Miguel Negrao" <miguel.negrao-li...@friendlyvirus.org>
To: "Surround Sound discussion group" <sursound@music.vt.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Maximum number of output channels possible in onesingle pc today ?

A 21/01/2013, às 21:50, Eric Benjamin escreveu:

what was the first commercial multichannel sound card
I don't know what the first was, but in 2000 I used an Echo Layla 24 to put together an 8-channel system with an old 100 MHz Pentium PC (Barely enough CPU
power.  I had to trim the OS to get it to work in real time).  Before the
Layla24 there was a Layla20 (just called the Layla), introduced in 1997. Before that I used two CardDeluxes strapped together to get 4-channel I/O in a PC.
Driver support wasn't great.

Thanks for the info, that’s really interesting stuff.

Found this interesting review of the CardDeluxe also: http://www.stereophile.com/content/digital-audio-labs-carddeluxe-pc-soundcard-page-2

I would be curious to know of even older high quality sound cards.

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