> what was the first commercial multichannel sound card
I don't know what the first was, but in 2000 I used an Echo Layla 24 to put 
together an 8-channel system with an old 100 MHz Pentium PC  (Barely enough CPU 
power.  I had to trim the OS to get it to work in real time).  Before the 
Layla24 there was a Layla20 (just called the Layla), introduced in 1997.  
that I used two CardDeluxes strapped together to get 4-channel I/O in a PC. 
 Driver support wasn't great.

----- Original Message ----
From: Miguel Negrao <miguel.negrao-li...@friendlyvirus.org>
To: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>
Sent: Mon, January 21, 2013 9:24:06 AM
Subject: [Sursound] Maximum number of output channels possible in one single pc 
today ?


Does anyone know the answer to this question ?  

With 3 RME HDSPe MADI FX it appears to be possible to have 576 channels of 
output.  Would the pci-e bus be able that amount of data ? Has anyone ever 
such a system ?

I’m asking because I wanted to know what was the maximum theoretical number of 
channels possible in one pc today vs to around 1997, which appeared to be 24 

Also, does anyone know what was the first commercial multichannel sound card  
(that could be used by any windows app) ? I see that the RME DIGI32/8 with 8 
channels output was launched in 1997 for windows 95 and NT.


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