P.S. YOu might want to get in touch with a guy called Steve Barbar of
LARES-Lexicon  they apparently have buil WFS synthesis systems of 600+
channels with tracking for the actors in theatre productions using the
Sound Design Ltd should also be able to put you in touch with the
right people .

On 21 January 2013 17:23, Miguel Negrao <
miguel.negrao-li...@friendlyvirus.org> wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone know the answer to this question ?
> With 3 RME HDSPe MADI FX it appears to be possible to have 576 channels of
> output.  Would the pci-e bus be able that amount of data ? Has anyone ever
> built such a system ?
> I’m asking because I wanted to know what was the maximum theoretical
> number of channels possible in one pc today vs to around 1997, which
> appeared to be 24 (3x DIGI32/8).
> Also, does anyone know what was the first commercial multichannel sound
> card  (that could be used by any windows app) ? I see that the RME DIGI32/8
> with 8 channels output was launched in 1997 for windows 95 and NT.
> best,
> Miguel
> http://www.friendlyvirus.org/miguelnegrao/
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