Hi Eric

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 08:20:49AM -0800, Eric Carmichel wrote:

No, this isn't at all like playing speech from middle of a word
or music. Certainly beginning a recording from a waveform that
would have abrupt onset would result in a pop or click.

To me it sounds as the normal reverb tail. Which you don't notice
when the sound that caused it is included, as it sounds natural
in that case.

Sounds like that to me too.

You would expect to hear the "lmpulse response" anyway with
any sound that has a peak - "Tom" for instance. Of course if the
"T" is present you don't hear it. But what I find strange is that
there is a kind of low-mid sweep sound just after the "bang"
Like a car going past outside. Most strange!

best, Justin

Justin Bennett

van der Duynstraat 61A
2515 NG Den Haag
The Netherlands


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