Hello Steven,

I'm going to throw in a quick plug for the Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK):


Our goal is to have a complete system conveniently encompassing the tasks of 
encoding, processing, and finally decoding for artists and composers interested 
in working with Ambisonics. Regarding the notion of completeness, the idea is, 
if something can be done with Ambisonics, we'd like to make that possible with 
the ATK.

Here's an intro page to the documentation (55 pages!), to give you an overview:


And the library browser page:


I see that you're working with Max/MSP at the moment. Our currently release of 
the ATK is as a SuperCollider library. We've gone w/ SuperCollider as it gives 
a tremendous amount of flexibility--as does Ambisonics, so we feel they're a 
good match.

At the moment we haven't implemented HOA features, but there are plans to begin 
with this aspect from January.

My kind regards,

Joseph Anderson

Artist:                                 http://joseph-anderson.org
Ambisonic Toolkit:      http://ambisonictoolkit.net

On 27 Sep 2012, at 12:45 am, Steven J. Dale wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to Ambisonics, but very interested in writing music/sound for an
> installation in this format.
> I'm getting bits and pieces from many sources, but having a hard time
> piecing it all together.. I am wondering what's the most economical, DIY
> way of creating my own array of speakers to get started, and these specific
> questions
> - Are identical speakers needed for each speaker of the array, or can I DIY
> it buy mixing and matching speakers from old hi/fi and found systems?
> - I was reading that the exact layout of an HOA is not so important,
> there's tolerance for different configs, unlike traditional 5.1 channel
> based systems which have specific locations that they should live in.. if
> so, what is the determining factor for accurate localization? If I rig up
> my studio with one config, will it translate to a much larger space by
> scaling up ? (assuming enough power in the loudspeakers?)
> - What are ways of writing original music for this format? I use Logic and
> Max... does this format need specific compatible syths/instrument with
> multiple out, or is the source irrelevant and it's all in the host routing?
> - What's the easiest way of using my existing stereo samples/recordings to
> convert them for use and reproduction ? Is this even possible? If I
> convert, will I then have to manually 'map' movement across the field?
> So many questions! If anyone has time, would love to chat with you about
> all of this....  much appreciated.
> Sounds like a ripe opportunity to create a set of tutorials, podcasts,
> screencasts of how to get started (if there aren't already)
> Thanks!
>      ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
>      Steven J. Dale  :  projects <http://www.cstreams.com/projects>
> @lifeinchords <http://www.twitter.com/lifeinchords>
> sounds<http://soundcloud.com/lifeinchords>
>      Sound Artist : Designer :  Web Architect
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