Not yet, I'm just testing the waters, so to speak, at present. I'm hopefully going to be doing some
preliminary tests over the summer, but I won't be able to start serious work until late autumn as I
don't retire till the end of September. I won't put up the Kickstarter page until I have a clearer
idea of timescales as I would want to be sure I can deliver what I promise on it :-)
On 05/07/2012 15:03, umashankar manthravadi wrote:
where do i sign up. have you started a kickstarter page? umashankar
i have published my poems. read (or buy) at
> Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2012 14:57:07 +0100
Subject: Re: [Sursound] preferred (small) linux distro for audio?
It will be balanced - not looking at anything else, especially as all dacs of
any quality have
balanced outs. My initial thoughts for a a Kickstarter reward structure is to
do the usual special
for early adopters which would, in this case, be what amounts to a cape (I'm
wary of doing an actual
cape as that might mean too much noise coupling from the CPU board into the
analogue side of things)
with people people who invest more getting the Beaglebone as well. Only in the
second tranche would
the dedicated CPU come out though whether on the same board or as a second
board, I'm not sure yet,
for the same reason as given above on noise coupling.
Current thoughts have connectors for the audio on 25 pin D types (a la Tascam
etc.) so that they can
either go direct to an off-the-shelf loom which plugs into your amps/speakers.
Alternatively the
board(s) could go into a rack unit with connections from the D types to xlr's
on the back (or front)
of the unit - this might include dedicated balanced line drivers to extend the
usable range.
On 05/07/2012 14:41, Hugh Pyle wrote:
+1. If you design a BeagleBone cape with 16 channels out (balanced or
not, I don't really mind), or a dedicated system that includes the
CPU, I'll want several :-)
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 8:16 AM, GP <> wrote:
Put me on your pre-order list already Dave! :-).
Cheers Garth
Sent on the Move
On 05/07/2012, at 19:48, Dave Malham <> wrote:
Wow! Fantastic response .. lots to think about. Will let you know how I get on.
Part of the problem is hardware as I was unable (at the time I got this board)
to find a case with a HD Audio front panel so it currently thinks it's running
in AC97 mode, but I'm going to knock something up to get round this. In the
mean time I'm going to play with the suggestions people have made (Puppy is
currently booting).
I'm also interested in the paper that Fernando gave us a link to. Although I
don't want to use the Mamba hardware, I _am_ interested in the possibilities
for a dedicated multichannel player for installation work (another retirement
project!) What I'm looking at at present is a multichannel dac linked directly
(not via USB or owt like that) to an Arm processor that'll just play a
multichannel file off of a USB stick or SD card. For prototyping I'll be using
a BeagleBone (as I definitely don't want the extra bells and whistles of the
BeagleBoard itself) - I'd prefer to use the RPi but the chip used (at least,
according to the manual) appears to have a crippled McASP port that can only
handle stereo, whereas the ARM on the BeagleBone has a good enough
implementation of McASP that it can do 16 channels at 48k for definite (EAOE)
and probably up to 96k without too much trouble. If initial tests prove the
concept, I'll look KickStarter funding. The idea is to have an absolutely rock
solid box that just plays stuff without any of the hassles of systems relying
on computers (ha! That'll be the day)) The most it would have is an on/off
switch and play controls - but it would output up to 16 channels, balanced, 24
On 05/07/2012 07:50, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
On 07/04/2012 06:40 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano<> a écrit :
Single board computers are interesting platforms to create dedicated
ambisonic players.
Let us know how the beagle board perform with a port of Planet CCRMA. ;-)
I will, I just have to find the time to test. I'm curious whether a small box
like that can drive 1/2 of the Mamba box I was driving from a regular desktop.
32 channel playback through an ethernet port[*]...
-- Fernando
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/* Dave Malham */
/* Music Research Centre */
/* Department of Music "" */
/* The University of York Phone 01904 322448 */
/* Heslington Fax 01904 322450 */
/* York YO10 5DD */
/* UK 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio' */
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These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham */
/* Music Research Centre */
/* Department of Music "" */
/* The University of York Phone 01904 322448 */
/* Heslington Fax 01904 322450 */
/* York YO10 5DD */
/* UK 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio' */
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These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham */
/* Music Research Centre */
/* Department of Music "" */
/* The University of York Phone 01904 322448 */
/* Heslington Fax 01904 322450 */
/* York YO10 5DD */
/* UK 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio' */
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