Hi Marc,

On 07/04/2012 04:28 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:
 I know from experience that .deb based distributions are easier to
use than .rpm distributions, especially on slow computers (like the XO
or the Raspberry Pi).

I was merely pointing out that you were comparing apt with rpm, which was not fair. Those are two different layers of the package management cake.

Ahhh, the good'ol times of "dependency hell"! Amazing how after so many years it is still quoted. I "solved" the dependency hell problem at the time (in Planet CCRMA, end of 2001) by using apt for rpm, a port done by Alfredo Kojima for Conectiva - anyone using Planet CCRMA could install anything in the RedHat distro using apt. This was before yum appeared, and I eventually switched to it. Yum has gotten much faster recently, but I have no idea how it compares with apt today. IMHO it is as easy to use as apt (ie: it is functionally equivalent), but it may be slow (perhaps to the point of being unusable?) on low end systems. I should give it a try in the beagle board systems we use @ ccrma.

For maintainers, rpm packages are easier to build,
so that might be why you prefer Fedora.

Nope, just historical reasons. Too long to write about here.

Enough about packages. Sorry. Let's insert some surround bits to make this post sursound compatible, in the old days of primitive linux sound I was playing my four channel stuff with two _unsynchronized_ stereo sound cards and snd. The back channels would slowly drift with respect to the front channels, of course, but if the piece was not too long and the buffers were not too small there would be no glitches... 12 minute quad piece? no problem! :-)

-- Fernando

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano<na...@ccrma.stanford.edu>  a écrit :

On 07/04/2012 01:44 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:

But I much prefer Debian based distributions (like
Ubuntu) for their APT packaging system (instead of RPM on Fedora
based distributions).

Caveat (apt != rpm):
underlying package system: .deb packages in Debian, .rpm packages in
Fedora dependency resolvers: apt in Debian, yum in Fedora

I have used both apt and yum, they do the job... You don't want|have
to deal with deb or rpm packages directly, you always install them
using apt or yum.

-- Fernando

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