On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 12:49:28PM +0100, Augustine Leudar wrote:
> Ok so you might not get the same effect on the speakers you're using
> and maybe its not your taste in music (its not really mine either
> but...) several people have told me they do get this effect .
> On this track :
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC80C-R9aiE
> a few seconds in there is a analogue bubbly sound that seems to
> spatialise itself to and from a point around 10 inches to the left of
> the speakers. It works on my laptop and a Imac (slightly less) and as
> I say several others have reported the same - though one or two people
> people do not get the effect at all. I havent tried it on normal hi fi
> speakers. Assuming you can hear this effect how do you think it can be
> recreated any ideas ???

Sounds like some form of crosstalk cancellation. 



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