Hi Fons,

On 24.04.2012, at 22:09, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> More than 96 dB dynamic range ? I've done some 20th and 21st
> century music recordings that had 60 dB or so of dynamic range,
> but that's about the widest I've ever seen. For any practical 
> use you have to reduce that anyway.
> For properly dithered 16-bit the A-weighted noise floor is well
> below -96 dBFS as well. And then you have to consider the ambient
> noise level of the reproduction location. Considering all this,
> 16 bit as a final delivery format seems to be perfectly OK.

I can definitely second that. I'm never unhappy when switching between the 24 
bit original and the 16 bit dithered file--although I do spend some time 
selecting which of the available dithers to use, and I'm paranoid about the 
introduction of another level of dithering when creating the premaster.


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