Thanks Fons,

I'll wait for the release of zita-convolver 3.0 to continue exploring this.



On 2011-10-12, at 4:01 AM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 01:41:41AM -0400, Hector Centeno wrote:
>> I've been looking into an alternative and came across this:
>> I'm not a C expert so not sure if this could work. I tried to build
>> zita-convolver using this but got errors:
>> ...
> I've known sememu for some time. The MP** calls could be used, but not
> in the way sememu does it. Anyway they are deprecated so I don't see
> this as a solution. 
> OTOH this could mean that Lion now provides a working alternative.
> If you have the docs or man pages, have a look there.
> In zita-convolver 3.0 the sema implementation is put into
> a separate class which is defined for Linux only. This means
> 3.0 will not compile in OSX unless that class is implemented
> explicitly (instead of compiling fine and then failing at run
> time). You could try doing that using the MP** calls, it should
> be fairly easy. Also 3.0 does not depend on a working get_value().
> Ciao,
> -- 
> FA
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