>> Has this been officially reported as a bug with Apple?
> I don't know, but a Unix based OS without a full sem_t is
> like a French typewriter without accented characters, so I
> guess it has been reported by now.
> Probably for Apple it's not a bug but a feature, and it may
> be one designed to discourage porting of non-Apple software
> to OSX.
> Anyway OSX users should complain about this.

Thanks Fons, nice that you insisted. Now I do remember that this was mentioned 
here before, so I apologize. It seems that the problem with the POSIX 
semaphores didn't stay in my head because it did not make much sense to me at 
the time of reading (now it does). I filled a report using the Apple Developer 
Bug Reporting tool: 


Thanks and cheers

> Ciao,
> -- 
> FA
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