
You could try some of the engineers who are members of the Institute of
Broadcast Sound - Mike Felton & Florian Camerer have both published articles
on the subject.  IBS web site is http://www.ibs.org.uk/ .  Hope this helps

Every Blessing

(former IBS Member, but now no longer involved in Braodcast)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu]
> Sent: 15 August 2011 00:56
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: [Sursound] Research on HiDef and surround audio for the web
> Hi Folks.
> I have recently been awarded a Churchill Fellowship to do some research
> in Europe in October and November.
> Current plans are to spend time in Germany with the Berlin Phil Digital
> Concert Hall in regard to getting high quality audio and video on the
> web, either streaming live or on demand.
> The kind folks at the BBC are also offering to show me some of their
> approaches to hi def audio.
> Hopefully I'll also be spending time with MicMac Music on similar
> However, are there any people or organisations that can be recommended
> for visiting in regard to hi def audio delivery, and also, hi def
> surround audio?
> I should add that I work for the ABC in Australia (ABC Classic FM) and
> am the surround sound project manager for broadcasting classical music.
> Any help or advice would be appreciated, thank you.
> Haig
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