Dear All, Some of you know my friend Carla Rees, who is a wonderful flutist based in London. Carla has been a staunch advocate of contemporary and electroacoustic music, having commissioned and premiered many pieces with her ensemble rarescale over the years. ( Unfortunately her flat in Croydon was one of those that burned to the ground in the riots over the past few days, and she lost everything, including her (extremely valuable) instruments. Some of these (in fact the ones which she played most often) were specialist hand-made quarter-tone instruments which will take a long time to have replaced. This means that not only has she lost her home, but also her livelihood. Her friends are trying to organise some ways to help her get back on her feet, and Jonathan Myall of Just Flutes in London has set up a page to accept donations for her. I know that some of you don't know Carla, but I'm sure everyone reading this is appalled at what has happened here over the last few days, and that you can all appreciate (especially those of you who also make your living from music) what a blow this has been to her. This is a chance to do something positive in the face of this awfulness, and show that we the music/UK/World/decent human beings community also have the power to change things. Any donation would be a help, even if it's just a few dollars or pounds. Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested as well. Donate at: Best, Scott _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list