Thanks. To be clear (as I realised it isn't on the page, and someone asked): Carla did have some insurance. The problem is that given that most of her work involves the hand-made Kingma system instruments, she won't really be able to work for months, or longer.
S. On 11 Aug 2011, at 16:10, Scott Wilson wrote: > Dear All, > > Some of you know my friend Carla Rees, who is a wonderful flutist based in > London. Carla has been a staunch advocate of contemporary and electroacoustic > music, having commissioned and premiered many pieces with her ensemble > rarescale over the years. ( Unfortunately her > flat in Croydon was one of those that burned to the ground in the riots over > the past few days, and she lost everything, including her (extremely > valuable) instruments. Some of these (in fact the ones which she played most > often) were specialist hand-made quarter-tone instruments which will take a > long time to have replaced. This means that not only has she lost her home, > but also her livelihood. > > > > Her friends are trying to organise some ways to help her get back on her > feet, and Jonathan Myall of Just Flutes in London has set up a page to accept > donations for her. > > I know that some of you don't know Carla, but I'm sure everyone reading this > is appalled at what has happened here over the last few days, and that you > can all appreciate (especially those of you who also make your living from > music) what a blow this has been to her. This is a chance to do something > positive in the face of this awfulness, and show that we the > music/UK/World/decent human beings community also have the power to change > things. > > Any donation would be a help, even if it's just a few dollars or pounds. > Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested as well. > > Donate at: > > Best, > > Scott > _______________________________________________ > Sursound mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list