Thanks for the message Fons, yes that was me - I must have accidentally
let that earlier email fly from the wrong account. 

I think my problems with spat3d were or are in relation to the
room-configuration - have since followed Jorn's suggestion and combined
the early reflection modelling of spat3d with a convolution reverb tail
(one of your IRs with jconvolver) - which at the moment I am sending a
low-level unmodulated feed from the source. Have toned down the
reflectivity of the modelled surfaces for the early reflections (there
was a comb-filter effect before with the small room size that i'm using)
and it's sounding much nicer.

Thanks for the tip with cross-fading between ER IRs - I'll try this.
Need to create some IRs too...

Re. the voice - yes, distance is important - at times the voice will be
heard from a position of several meters away to the rear-left - at other
times, at the two sides of the seated listener and from close behind -
and everything in between. The listener will have a visual reference for
the source and the sound of the voice needs to match as well as

A question about creating IR tails: is this just a matter of trimming
some milliseconds off the beginning of a complete IR with an appropriate
envelope? How many msecs? Just the rising part of the impulse?

Good luck finding a new home!



On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 22:02 +0000, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 09:11:35AM -0300, Iain Mott wrote:
> > I would like to know what jack compatible systems are available on Linux
> > to spatialise a moving mono source in realtime with ambisonics
> > (including distance attenuation) that also provide some reverberation
> > cues. 
> > 
> > I've tried spat3d in csound with a GUI - and while this spatialises the
> > source very well, I've not been so happy with the sound of simulated
> > room reflections - perhaps it's the way I am setting it up. I'm also
> > looking at the SoundScape Renderer (SSR) which is very nice - but
> > doesn't seem to have an implementation of reverberation for moving
> > sources.
> > 
> > Is convolution reverb a possibility for a moving source - eg. is it
> > possible to cross-fade between the inputs of ambisonic IRs set up in
> > jconvolver recorded at various angular locations? This would be ideal
> > for my application which involves the spatialisation of an actress'
> > voice within a room - so that she appears to be walking (and talking)
> > through the space in relation to a seated listener.
> I assume you are AKA 'acousmetre' ?
> Sorry for the delay, I've been quite busy the last week - having
> to move home at very short notice (within 2 weeks actually, and
> I haven't found a new one yet ...)
> Using a set of different ER with the same reverb tail works well
> with static sources, but I've never used it with moving ones.
> I've no idea if crossfading ERs for a moving source will work. 
> If you want to try it, the way to do it is use e.g. 3rd order
> AMB panning for the reverb send, decode it to e.g. an octagon
> and use the decoder outputs to drive the inputs of the convolver.
> OTOH I'm surprised about your results with spat3d, it's assumed
> to be one of the most advanced tools available. 
> For your project, how important is the _distance_ of the virtual
> source  w.r.t. the listener ? Is the actress supposed to move
> very close ?
> Ciao,

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