
as far as I remember, there is an ambisonic suite of libraries (iem_ambi, iem_roomsim, iem_bin_ambi) for puredata from IEM, Graz, that does exactly that: generate early reflections up to some low-order from a rectangular room and encode them in b-format, then generate the diffuse tail just from volume and absorption parameters. You could move the source/receiver around and it sounded quite ok, there was also a binaural decoder from the b-format.You can check if it suits your needs.

For full IR interpolation I know that CATT-Acoustic does it: after simulating a grid of b-format RIRs from your model, you can have a real-time walkthrough in your space by interpolation on the full IRs. CATT-Acoustic though is a full auditorium acoustics design software and quite expensive. I know that an alternative exists in CLAM (another puredata-like open-source software) where you can load your measured or simulated RIRs and then interpolate in real-time, but I've never tried it.

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