On 13/05/2011, at 7:26 AM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 07:13:49AM +1000, David Worrall wrote:
>> I looked at the photo here: http://iem.at/services/studios/cube
>> And I fail to see a hemisphere. 
>> In any event, how does a cube become hemispheric? Or is this just a flowery 
>> use of language?
> That picture is a 'panoramic view', a 360 degree picture folded open
> into a plane. Each of the walls that appear curved is in reality
> perfectly straight and at right angles to the two besides. The room 
> is more are less a cube, and  the speaker setup is indeed an hemisphere. 

Thanks for the clarification! 
As someone who builds hemispheric spaces with 3D ambisonic playback
( http://www.avatar.com.au/worrall/index.php/polymedia-event-theatres ), I'm 
interested in connecting with others doing the same.

I do wonder whether anyone is taking into account the effect of the interaction 
of a hemispherical field 'source' with its parallelepiped (room) enclosure.

> -- 
> FA
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Dr David Worrall
Adjunct Research Fellow, Australian National University
Board Member, International Community for Auditory Display
Regional Editor, Organised Sound (CUP) 
Projects Officer, Music Council of Australia 
worrall.avatar.com.au   sonification.com.au
mca.org.au                      musicforum.org.au

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