Gregory Maxwell wrote:

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 7:27 PM, e deleflie <> wrote:
The ambisonia wiki can, and *should* be hosted somewhere else. This
should be relatively easy to transfer to whoever would like to take
it. Would have to be under a different domain name.

The content can only be hosted somewhere else if the host reviews all
the license agreements with the uploaders. All content was uploaded in
the context of a legal relationship between and the
author ... different authors chose different licensing agreements ...
and this needs to be respected.

I'd sent an off-list offer in the past to host material on

We have about a terabyte of lossless video which is used for video
compression research, we don't currently have much audio on the site
simply because lossless stereo audio is easily obtained (from
commercial CDs, etree live recordings, etc) but I'm certainly
interested in adding as much lossless surround audio as is possible
since material like this is harder to find.

While our focus is on compression research, there are other people who
use our archive for other signal processing research.

I believe we're only willing to host redistributable material (but
prohibitions on commercial usage are acceptable), but I'd be willing
to sort through the licensing data and figure out what we can host.

This wouldn't replace attempts to re-host a larger portion of the site
by others, but it could provide perpetual reasonably curated storage
for at least a part of it.

Seems to be an offer which is hard to refuse.



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