I must apologise to Etienne (and everyone else) - I had indicated to him that we at York would be
interested in taking this on but for a number of reasons getting permission at this end has dragged
on much longer than is good - entirely my fault ( I have had an even more chaotic year than
usual....). Although I now have draft permissions for this, we need to sort out what happens when I
retire, which is now just 18 months away (hooray!) otherwise ambisonia could be in the same state
after that....
On 08/03/2011 00:27, e deleflie wrote:
The ambisonia wiki can, and *should* be hosted somewhere else. This
should be relatively easy to transfer to whoever would like to take
it. Would have to be under a different domain name.
The content can only be hosted somewhere else if the host reviews all
the license agreements with the uploaders. All content was uploaded in
the context of a legal relationship between ambisonia.com and the
author ... different authors chose different licensing agreements ...
and this needs to be respected.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Martin Leese
<martin.le...@stanfordalumni.org> wrote:
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 12:35:45 +1100
From: e deleflie<edelef...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] cross-talk cancellation used in binaural sound
ambisonia.com is down permanently. Apologies for any inconvenience.
There is a chance that Paul Hodges might host some of Ambisonia's
content on his servers. But it will be under a different umbrella.
I have resurrected the specifications for the
".amb" and ".uhj" file formats, and placed them
on my website at:
I am still tinkering with the HTML formatting, so
please don't take copies. By all means link to
I hope the content of the Ambisonia Wiki will
be resurrected somewhere, as there are links
to several pages in it from Wikipedia.
Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese stanfordalumni.org
Web: http://members.tripod.com/martin_leese/
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